
When people commit their time, energy and resources to stamp out a disease, the accomplishment of that goal can change lives all over the world and bring a sense of great satisfaction to all involved. The Jake and Johnny Club, Inc. was founded on that principle–that together, a lot of people can make a big difference in the lives of children and their families who have been forced to deal with the hardships of Childhood Leukemia and Juvenile Diabetes.

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF), one of the beneficiaries of the Jake and Johnny Club, estimates that there are approximately one million American children being treated for Juvenile Diabetes, and nearly 30,000 new cases each year. More than 3,500 children are diagnosed annually with childhood leukemia.

Phil Goodman’s grandson, Jake, diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) in 2006 and John Hubbard’s son, Johnny, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes) are the inspirations for this effort to raise as much money as possible to help eradicate these childhood diseases. Researchers, backed by contributions from caring individuals, must keep up the battle to find treatments and, hopefully, cures, so our kids, and their kids, too, can lead normal, healthy lives. The progress in new medicines to treat these illnesses has been fantastic, but the journey is far from over. Our “Mission” is to help fund this massive endeavor, so one day all kids will not have to face the same challenges that Johnny and Jake have so bravely met.